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Lake Wissota Stewardship Project


The Lake Wissota Stewardship Project is a public/private partnership. The project is co-sponsored by the Lake Wissota Improvement & Protection Association (LWIPA) and the Chippewa County Land Conservation & Forest Management Committee (LCFM). The project is being implemented to improve water quality in Lake Wissota by reducing runoff pollution from its contributing watersheds. The Lake Wissota Stewardship Project was initiated in 2018 as an expansion of the Little Lake Wissota Stewardship Pilot Project that was previously co-sponsored by Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company and Chippewa County from 2009-2017.

To maintain and expand the project, Chippewa County invited the LWIPA to assume the role of a co-sponsor. A yearly fund-raising campaign successfully guarantees the continuation of the program for future years in using the public/private watershed business model developed for the Little Lake Wissota Stewardship Project. The yearly budget pays for a Land Resource Technician (LRT) Intern  watershed specialist , contracted by Chippewa County to lead and implement the project.

The LRT is hired to lead the program with goals of:

1) Maintain momentum by continuing to install conservation best management practices on the land.

2) Initiate and complete detailed watershed management plans for the Little Lake Wissota and Yellow River/Moon Bay Watersheds.  

3) Apply for state grants that will supply project funds to reduce non-point pollution in these watersheds.

The Lake Wissota Stewardship Project has three operating components: community outreach, “conservation on the land” to reduce runoff pollution, and water quality monitoring.

In 2018, The project provided opportunities to improve community awareness of water quality issues. Canoes for a Cause tree planting and water monitoring volunteers worked on the lake and in the watershed. A project update was presented at the lake association’s annual meeting and picnic.

Water quality monitoring is being continued in the Little Lake Wissota Watershed, more specifically the Moon Bay/Yellow River Watershed. With the help of DNR personnel, Chippewa County LCFM, and LWIPA volunteers, stream monitoring was done for sites in the Lake Wissota Watershed – Little & Big Drywood Creek, Yellow River, Paint Creek, Stillson Creek & Frederick Creek. All monitoring sites are shown on the map.

The LWIPA is seeking donations to fund projects. Private funds are important because they allow the project team to obtain and leverage state and federal grant opportunities. They also allow us to install important conservation projects not eligible for public funding.  For more information on how to contribute, contact the LWIPA at

On behalf of the Lake Wissota Stewardship Project, we thank all of our donors in the community for supporting this public/private partnership and for allowing this expanded program to continue. We are still soliciting funds for best management land conservation projects.

Want more information! Check out the Lake Wissota Improvement and Protection Association Page!
Website Link:

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